Monday 24 September 2012

Zayn Malik is Muslim ?

Fullname : Zayn Jaweed Malik
Nickname : Zayn Malik
Born Place : West Lane Baildon, Bradford, England
Born Date : January 12, 1993

Do you want to know about Zayn Malik ? Let's get to know some facts about Zayn Malik that maybe you don't know. Zayn is one of four boys in One Direction, UK and Ireland boyband.

He has many fans around the world,mostly by the opposite gender. He's idolized by many girls and who fantasize becoming the girlfriend or wife of this teenage heartthrob.

 He's most probably one of the most adored person amongst those people who call themselves ''directioners''

Well, as the name implies, yes.Zayn Malik is British Pakistani, his father (Yaser) comes from Pakistan and His mother (Tricia) originally British

 He even once tweeted "La ila ha ill allaho muhammed door rasoolalah"
 which means he believes in Allah and Muhammad.

In Ramadhan of 2011, he was participated in fasting (don't eat, drink, and anything). He has a good personality as a muslim. In the first day of Ramadhan he tweeted in his Twitter account "First day, who's fasting?" Those are evidence that Zayn Malik is muslim.

Zayn was born and raised in Bradford, England. Zayn is second children from four, he has three sisters, their names are Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa, Doniya is the oldest and Safaa is the youngest.

Essence of Beauty

Friday 21 September 2012

Tranquility in Nostalgia

The dictionary defines Nostalgia as:a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.

Ever since growing up into an adult, life has given a lot challenges. A lot of good and bad. Some were to make us ,some were to break us.Let's face it,everyone goes through it. And as we get older our responsibilities get bigger and harder.Choices become more critical and important because families and societies are at stake. We all think about this as we get older.

Like it or not,we're the next generation of humanity, and it's time where we have take one for team-our families and society. And this will go on probably until our very last breath. Once you pass that border of adulthood.Your never going back.You wished you could change a lot about yourself when you were young. There's hardly enough time to be thinking about sad things.

I can safely assume everyone had to witness some pretty sad things throughout life. Weather be it the demise of a family member,relatives or friends,or any sort of disasters that leaves us in shambles. Being human,we don't own the ability to go back in time and fix it all or be with that somebody just a little bit longer. Reality has to be accepted, and you shouldn't grieve to much about it. Somethings are just meant to be. So how does one really go about in life suppressing the sadness he feels?

So how does someone not grieve for something he cherishes?

 The only thing I can do is to keep it closed up in my mind or just banish it.I chose not to forget it ,I think I should keep it for all times. I had a lot pretty sweet memories in my life, from ever since the day I could hold memories until this very second.But some are dejecting too. I had an uncle very dear to me, he passed on when i was 15. Diabetes Melitus.

 He was like the most sporting uncle you could ever have! Like a friend in older guy's body. He always liked to joke around with me whenever he come around. Since we live nearby, he'd invite me over for dinner with his family. I never felt so shattered, to be so close to someone,and suddenly he's gone. Forever.

Throughout the years,I learn to deal with it. I finally came to the realization, it won't go away if you try forget about it. Trying not to remind yourself  will just pull you in deeper. I found out, my memories overpower me. I sometimes let myself go into a melancholy romantic flashback of my past, where everyone I loved is still alive, where I hadn't a lot of things to get worked up about. Where everything seems untouched by time. Stuck in an eternal happiness.

 I gaze up in the night sky a lot too, whenever I can. 
 It's a perfect surrounding for a memory to get in motion. Because sometimes I meet up with the people that  I know are gone already in this away. An entity appears before me in the appearances of people I care most about.Once,I leaned on the shoulders on my dead best friend. And we'd be there looking at the twinkling star. I almost believed that I heard that ghost of him once whispered so subtly to me.

Dear beloved friend,
You must know this deep inside your heart, 
That God understands your pain
Ask Him to help you
Protect your mind and soul in the storm you are going through
I hope you understand
there's no need to be ashamed

With all your heart
Do your best to thrive
With all your strength and ability
Survive this world and always keep faith
May God accept your prayers

 I usually end up helplessly crying after that,totally missing my old friend or uncle, reminiscing the old days together. I don't think it's anguish, but more to a sense of release.  I think I'd rather have it that way.So I allocated time for this, no matter how long I studied. I made sure of myself that I had time for spiritualism. 
I don't know if it's appropriate but I also talk to God a lot, (meant not in prayer way)About everything that goes on in my life. This has got to be  the best of nostalgia for me. Glorious God,He hears me all the time. I can tell Him everything and I know, God is the best listener, Every little thing I want to say and share,or something that oppresses me until I cry my heart out,I know I can count on God.

 And just dazzling at the wonderful creation of His skies, proof of His infinite capability is already enough to spark  hope and determination within me. I have confidence that all my prayers will be answered* Godwilling!   :)  I'm happy now!

  *The best adab of a du'a is a du'a made by a believer with full assurance that God will accept it*

 That's how I found my peace in this life. How about you?

Sunday 22 July 2012

How to make easy cash from home

Are you money-less and want to make money? Are you really determined get to the bottom of those overflowing debts and credit card bills? Or just dream of having financial stability where you can provide for the family and maybe sometimes bring them on a vacation without worrying so much how many dollars left you still got in your wallet.

Don't worry, millions of people are in the same boat as you are. Including me.

Well, I'm not mogul. Not even working to tell you the truth. Neither am I a money expert or an accountant. I'm just ordinary guy just like you.Trying to earn an honest living in these tough times. But i tell you, knowledge is a powerful asset everybody has. And if you just use it wisely, you can solve many things. duhh, right? 

But making money online isn't as easy as that. It is! But not super super easy. Especially if you don't have money to begin with. The thing is, you need money to MAKE money.

So first tip is, have some money to start with. Luckily,you don't need to have a lot, just a little is enough. I found some money making programs that even go for 10 bucks only. Actually, there are free ones too!  All you got to do is to invest in  a bank account and maybe have a Paypal account. Then my friend,your on your way.

This I assure you, because the internet is so wide and if you are a dilligent guy, you WILL find one money making program that is cheap and gives you a good payout trough it's offer. You can even go into multiple money making programs to maximize your income. But if you're not working person, you wont get much, believe me.  
So this brings me to the second level of money making. When you have probably saved up an amount of cash, you should start going into trades. It's not really that difficult. All you need is a little cash and good guessing skills. That's all to it . I'd recommend you go into the second level when your money is above 500 dollars. When you have reached level 2, you can pretty much ditch level 1. And from trades you can generate money all the time. 

I'll give you an example. Say you invested 100$ for a  parcticular stock market product or in foreign currency, and that product's company stocks gain in percentages, you can reap the benefits because you invested, and you can get paid by their currency. So probably you'd get back 95 sterlings and then you convert back to dollars, probably it has become  160-200 dollars. Say you got 200 dollars. Your hundred has been paid back already. There you go. So virtually you lost nothing.  You can take back your hundred. And then you can use that other hundred to go at it again. Over and over. Occasionally, you'll have some loses, and some wins. But it's okay, because you used the money you earned! Not your money. Rarely is there a losing situation. People make thousands an hour on these sort of stuff.  I do recommend the second level.  

Did you know, you can be still at home doing this. 

And if you want to generate even more income and are willing do some work. Then you should go for online uplines or downlines that don't require you to do a lot but mostly advertise. Yeah, maybe you have to find a couple of guys or something like that. But all you got to do is just convince them to do the same as you did, god-willing, the payout potential is big.  Now combine level 2 and 3 together and thats a lot of cash you can make !

There is this other method you can try. It's called the 'middleman' method . You have to manipulate the supply and demand market. You don't even  have to create anything or have to know how the products are created. You're just the middleman.

Most common internet jobs are web designing. When someone wants to create a website and is willing to pay a sum for money for it, maybe like 1000 dollars for you to get it done in 5 days. Take that offer. Then, you find a forum where  maybe a lot of web designers hang around. And you offer this job to somebody for 500 dollars and get it done in 5 days (keep in mind, you shouldn't tell him what the real price was).
 Usually somebody will take that offer for 500. When he has finished the job you asked for, you pay him for his job and you present your finished product to the guy who wanted it. As promised, he pays you 1000  . And there you have it, 1000 dollars banked in, 500 for the cost deducted, now you have a clean 500 dollars . And if you live in Malaysia, like me, that 500 dollars translate into RM 1500 ringgit. For a 19 year old guy (yours truly haha) it's more than enough ! =D

Well I hope you got something beneficial outta this blog of mine, and remember, you don't start on top already, you gotta work your way up. Come again soon  ;)

Wednesday 13 June 2012


Bismillahirahmanirahim.Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah dan Salam 1Malaysia pada yang ziarah blog saya ! Terlebih dahulu pihak penulis ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kerana memilih blog ini sebagai destinasi blog bacaan anda pada kali ini.   ;)   hehe. Intro ala-ala naik pesawat bukan?
Firman Allah SWT bermaksud :”Dan adalah manusia itu, suka tergesa-gesa”.(Al-Israk:II)
Hmm. Sungguh lama tak update blog  ni. Berhabuk dah tengok blog page ni! Mungkin dah tiba masanya untuk mengemas. What I really mean is kemas-kini! ^_^  ha ha. Bukan kelakar pun -.-  Jadi tak perlu ketawa lah.
Saya kadang-kadang befikir, kenapa saya ni malas sangat nak update blog. Padahal banyak sangat benda dalam kepala nak cerita pada anda semua.Mungkin kalau ditanya pembaca kenapa tak update blog (hehe. tak tahulah kalau ada yang nak tanya pun, follower pun baru satu) 
Ahh!  Kerja  melambung la bang! Tak free macam muda-muda dulu. Sibuk dengan macam-macam assingment sekarang! Hal kahwin pun nak fikir juga.Serabutnya! Kononlah. Ha ha. Banyak mengarut pula saya ni. Acah -acah sahajalah.

Suka, suka juga. Tapi sesi muhasabah pun kena ada ya.

Apa yang nak ditekankan di sini ialah kepentingan masa. Setiap.Detik.Masa. Ketahuilah, saat pertama 5:OO petang 13 Jun 2012 ini hanya datang sekali sahaja wahai abang kakak atau adik sekalian.Selepas itu, ianya akan pergi meninggalkan kita, tidak lagi menoleh ke belakang. Waktu itu tidak akan kembali lagi. Dan buat selama-lamanya. Tapi itulah hakikat kejadiannya, bukan?

Kita perlu memahami masa.Setiap saat itu terlebih penting dari dunia ini dan segala isinya jika kita renungkan. Saat manakah yang bakal memberatkan timbangan mizan (dacing/scale) anda pada hari Akhirat? 
Mungkin amalan murni yang anda baru lakukan tadi cukup-cukup sahaja untuk memberatkan lagi  timbangan amalan pahala dari timbangan amalan dosa anda. 
Mungkin juga  berlaku sebaliknya apabila kita memilih untuk menjerumuskan diri ke lembah maksiat.Masa yang kita guna pada saat ini adalah penentu tempat tinggal abadi kita di hari kemudian.Iaitu antara Syurga dan Neraka.

Kalaulah Allah kurniakan kita pacaindera-pacaindera istimewa.Seperti contoh, dapat lihat amalan-amalan kita. Tambahkan lagi dengan keupayaan tahu bila nak mati ,ooo memang mudahlah hidup .Bolehlah nak rilek-rilek dulu kan? Kita berseronok dulu. Selepas itu,taubatlah ! Kalau rasa level pahala agak rendah. Topup kan sahajalah. Tapi syaratnya. Buat sebelum kematian menjemput.Tapi tak apalah kan,sebab dah tahu bila. Jadi apa guna wujud Islam itu? Apa guna ada Neraka? Ya tak?

Ujian-ujian yang Allah jadikan bertujuan untuk membezakan hamba-hambaNya yang bertaqwa dengan hamba-hambaNya yang bukan. Hamba manakah yang mengikut panduan Islam? Hamba manakah terikut-ikut jahiliyah? Salah satu ujian itu , tidak lain, tidak bukan iaitu perkara ghaib eg; masa . “….Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu di sisi Allah adalah orang yang paling bertaqwa diantara kalian…” (al-Hujurat : 13)    .Subhanallah. Alangkah indahnya dapat menjadi antara orang-orang yang paling bertaqwa. Bukan senang, itu bermaksud anda perlu menjadi orang yang paling cekal dengan ujian-ujian Allah .Bukan calang-calang orang dapat title ini.

Sebelum saya mengakhiri catatan ini, saya  minta kawan-kawan sekalian merenung bersama saya. Moga-moga boleh dimanfaatkan oleh diri saya sendiri dan anda semua.So unfortunately for us, kita tidak memiliki keupayaan-keupayaan hebat seperti atas itu. Jadi bagaimana kita nak 'secure a place in heaven'? Entah bila mati. Entah berapa dosa pahala yang ada. Sahabat-sahabat Rasullullah yang pantang tak berjihad, solat lima waktu sehari semalam secara berjemaah yang TIDAK pernah putus diikuti dengan zikir 3000  kali SETIAP  solat fardhu. Yang infaq  sebahagian harta mereka ke jalan Allah, yang tidak memilih untuk mengaibkan manusia, kawan mahupun lawan. Senang kata, orang-orang yang terkenal dengan sentiasa melakukan kebaikan sahaja ini pun belum tentu dapat masuk Syurga (kecuali sepuluh Sahabat yang Rasulullah bagitahu). Jadi kita ini pula macam mana lah. Terasa konfiden sangatkah kita dengan amalan-amalan kita .Cukupkah untuk  membawa kita ke destinasi yang kita mahu menghala ?

TIP yang saya rasa-rasa dapat bantu lah ^_^'

Jika ada diberi peluang melakukan sesuatu yang baik. Tegaskan pada diri sendiri untuk ambil inisiatif sekarang juga. Tidak boleh lagi tangguh-tangguh dah.Bila lagi nak mula?  Bisik  pada hati ''Saya tak mahu saat-saat saya dibazirkan begitu sahaja. Saya nak bertindak!! '  Mulakan dengan niat ikhlas kerana Allah . Kemudian lafazkan ''bismillah'', selamat mencuba,moga-moga berjaya ;)

Setakat inilah dulu ya kawan-kawan. Moga-moga apa yang ternukil dalam post ini dapat memberi faedah pada kita semua. Atau mencetuskan sesuatu untuk difikirkan .Pun boleh! Apa-apa yang baik itu datang dari Allah SWT, dan yang buruk itu daripada saya sendiri. Mohon ampun jika ada tersilap. Saya manusia macam awak.

Wabillahi Taufiq Wannajah. Assalamualaikum :)

*post-blog commentary from myself*

*Mula-mula nak update blog tu rasa malas . Tapi bila difikirkan,kawan-kawan saya pun banyak assignment .Entah-entah ada yang berlipat kali ganda kerjanya kalau nak banding dengan saya. Tapi boleh lagi nak update. Adei. Sah jadi malas dah saya ni ! Al-maklumlah,saya ini orang lelaki. Bab-bab menulis ini memang 'Achillies heels' untuk lelaki zaman sekarang!  
Rasa agak kesal, sebab sebagai seorang lelaki yang begelar Muslim, saya membawa imej Islam dalam setiap perkara yang saya lakukan.Dan kemalasan itu tak wujud dalam Islam ya!  
Bila kita kaji, kita akan dapat tahu para Ulama' , cendekiawan Islam terdahulu boleh menulis beratus jilid-jilid kitab,ada kalanya mencecah ribu. Mereka menjadikan bidang penulisan itu satu wadah untuk menyampaikan dakwah demi usaha menyebarkan hidayah Allah kepada manusia. Perjuangan itu begitu sebati dengan diri mereka. So,macam manalah nak bantu kembalikan sistem Khalifah ,kalau  nak menulis pun ( self -intended critism) dah tak larat. Apatah lagi nak membangkitkan semula dinasti Islam yang pernah pada suatu masa dahulu memerintah 2/3 dunia. 

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