Friday 9 December 2011

Assalamualaikum, and slm 1Malaysia! Hey, it's been awhile I've posted anything here.Long time no see.I kinda almost sorta gave up on blogging,I don't know, I guess blogging is just too complicated for a bloke like me. But I cant stop right now. This is a milestone for me.And hey,everybody has their up and downs,don't they? We just gotta learn how to deal with it. Anyway I actually wanna earn some cash by writing, adding all that google ads contraption . Writing and Ringgits! As they say, kill 2 birds with one stone !

The holidays are a real bummer aint it? No school=No friends.
Probably by far the most boringsome holiday in my case .I have nobody (lol,Akon) to hang around with.
All my friends are in Uni, getting a taste of campus life. And here I am, still going to school, for the eleventh year.It is preety depressing, but what can you do right? I say to myself to be a man! Accept my fate and get over it, move on.Alhamdulillah,it's been working.

Also,I've been thinking quite a while now, trynna decide wether after graduating ,insyaALLAH, to enlist
in the army or not. Truth is,it's been my life long dream to become a soldier, a medical soldier or an army surgeon,um probably inspired by watching many war movies as a kid. But, yeah,I've been longing for combat,and matyrdom, to smear myself with the blood of a syahid. I would like to enter the Palestinian Intifada, and help those poor people fight against a really oppresive force of evil. But I have gotta be practical too.You can't just go in like that, and without any skill to offer. That'd be a useless cause and add up the death toll.When I can contribute something, insyaALLAH, I will make that depature.

I also would like to raise a family actually,you know, have a loving wife and bare (good) children.As the Messenger says marriage is half the deen ,and pious children are your way to gain deed. So what the hey, it would be a waste not to do so right? And c'mon, who doesnt wanna be a parent?! I'd be real thrilled to be a dad. I'll teach my child everything I know, all the trick of the trade! Tehee. I just wonder whose gonna be my wife. Goosebumps,man ._. Kinda weird huh, all this idea at 18. Freaky . ;p

So it leads me conclude (as I slouch lazingly on my chair, what a way to feel decisive)I couldnt be a mujahideen yet. And in Malaysia,they'd label me a terrorist, and hunt me down brutally.So the closest thing that fills all my criteria is being a soldier in ATM, TUDM or TLDM. Wadya think?..
Am I outta my mind? Or are we

A wise person onced said : Don't think like others, think above them...
Guess who? It was me ;D

So i better stop jotting down for now. Im parched and my tummy is making noises, Gotta get some grub!
Till next time.Salam.

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