Marilah panjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Illahi, kerana masih bernyawa lagi pada hari ini, dan kerana masih memiliki dua nikmat terbesar,iaitu nikmat Iman dan nikmat Islam.Pernah terfikirkah,setiap helaan nafas kita terkandung berjuta-juta nikmat yang tidak mampu kita balas selama-lamanya? Maka menjadi tanggungjawab bagi mereka yang memiliki nikmat ini untuk bersyukur pada Allah SWT. Anda tertanya-tanya ,dengan cara apakah boleh kita bersyukur? Saya boleh bagi sedikit bantuan di sini.
a) Anda boleh bertahmid selalu pada Allah.(sambil duduk, atau ketika baring ,mungkin sambil memasak?) Pada pendapat saya,sangat rugi kalau tidak diamalkan.Jika anda boleh berbual kosong dengan rakan-rakan untuk masa yang lama atau nyanyi lagu kesukaan seperti Bruno Mars,sudahlah tempoh lagunya mencecah 4 minit, tapi kenapakah kita zikir pun tak boleh seminit. Persoalannya, mengapakah susah sangat untuk berzikir? Mungkinkah kerana masalahnya berpucuk dari kalbu? (Iman)
Saudara Saudari sekalian,
Kita tidak dapat lihat perkara ghaib.Maklumlah,Allah menjadikan Bani Adam dengan pacaindera yang terbatas.Tetapi ingatlah,Iblis Laknatullah sebenarnya selalu berbisik kepada kita.Untuk mengotori hati manusia,mengheret mereka menjadi temannya di Neraka. Iblis akan tetap menghasut.Setiap masa,setiap saat,sehingga tibanya Sakaratul Maut.
Ada masanya anda rasa macam seolah-olah semuanya berpunca daripada anda sendiri. Jangan termakan tipu daya Iblis, perasaan itu adalah Iblis. Memang sudah taktik Iblis,jadi untuk memudahkan lidah berzikir,seeloknya kita baca ayat kursi dahulu, mudah-mudahan penghasut bernama Iblis itu mati terbakar.Kalau anda baca ayat-ayat lain dari Al-Quran.Iblis akan terasa sakit dan cabut lari.Tapi dengan ayat kursi Iblis terbakar sehingga mati.Itulah bezanya ayat Kursi dengan ayat-ayat lain.
Kembali pada topik,
Sahabat-sahabat Nabi pula berzikir tiap-tiap hari, ketika kerja ada, ketika berehat dan ketika berjalan juga ada. Mereka menerapkan amalan berzikir dalam segala aspek kehidupan mereka.Sebagai contoh Abu Hurairah (R.A) berzikir 12,000 kali sehari.Belum tentu lagi beliau masuk syurga tapi kalau kita 12 pun susah, apakah peluang kita berbanding beliau? Sesuatu yang patut direnungkan.
b)Berterima Kasih.Perkara yang mudah dan Alhamdulillah, sudah menjadi adat juga bagi orang Islam Nusantara.Untuk menguatkan hujah ini, Nabi bersabda '' Sesiapa yang tidak berterima kasih pada orang, tidak berterima kasih pada Allah'' Allah menjadikan agama Islam suatu agama yang menitikberatkan persaudaraan dan perpaduan antara manusia, jadi setiap amalan yang mempromosikan perpaduan, membuahkan pahala dan menunjukkan kesyukuran.
c)Mengaplikasikan nikmat yang diberikan Allah ke arah kebaikan dan kebajikan.Salah satu cara yang sangat mudah ialah guna sahaja apa yang telah Allah kurniakan pada tubuh badan kita dengan niat yang baik. Itulah tanda syukur.Bila kita gunakan tangan untuk bersedekah,bermakna kita bersyukur. Sama juga bila kita guna lidah untuk menutur perkara baik, atau untuk mengeratkan Silaturahim. Semuanya menzahirkan kesyukuran pada Allah SWT.Subhanallah, alangkah syumulnya agama Islam.
Apakah kita tidak berfikir kalau-kalau kita ini dilahirkan seorang Kristian atau Yahudi. Sudah tentunya amat susah mendapat hidayah Irsyad (hidayah Irsyad adalah hidayah pengajaran, manakala hidayah Taufiq adalah hidayah pengertian dan pemahaman) daripada pendakwah Islam.
Yalah,bukan senang apabila ditempelak, malah dilabel agama yang ''ketinggalan zaman'', dan ''tahu mengganas sahaja'' oleh media massa.Sudah semestinya ini menyukarkan hati-hati yang murni untuk melihat di sebalik semua celaan tidak berasas yang telah dilemparkan pada umat Islam .Fitnah ini sengaja diporak-perandakan musuh Islam.
Akibatnya,dunia menjadi takut dengan orang Islam ,kerana wujud tanggapan bahawa orang Islam lebih cintakan kematian (mereka rasa orang Islam itu cinta mati itu sendiri, bukan Syurga yang menanti para syuhada)
Mereka khuatir orang Islam akan meletupkan diri dan membuat keganasan di mana jua mereka berada.Ketakutan ini lebih dikenali sebagai Islamaphobia.
Bersabarlah saudara saudari, teguhkanlah Iman, sentiasa yakin pada Allah.Ini semuanya dugaan untuk hamba-hambaNya.
Rasullulah pernah bersabda '' Sesungguhnya Islam itu datang dalam keadaan asing, dan akan kembali dalam keaadan asing, maka beruntunglah orang yang asing itu'' riwayat Muslim
Itulah khabar gembira daripada Junjungan besar kita, Rasulullah(SAW).
Saya ingin menyentuh sedikit hal hudud, bukan untuk mencampuri hal politik.Tetapi hanya mahu komen perkara hudud.Saya terasa terkilan sedikit apabila menonton video ''Sembang Rakyat'' baru-baru ini.Bukan hendak memilih pihak di sini ya. Tapi yang harus menjadi ikutan saya adalah Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah.
Dan sudah TERMAKTUB dalam Al-Quran bahawa hudud harus dilaksanakan apabila cukup syaratnya.Mengapakah mereka cakap Hudud ini menjadikan keadaan lebih teruk ? Adakah mereka sudah menjalani kajian bertahun-tahun untuk memastikan apakah pro dan kontranya? Adilkah mereka cop hukum yang Allah sendiri wahyukan itu teruk? Wah! Adakah ini bererti manusia lebih bijak dari Penciptanya?
Mari kita berfikir sejenak,dan berimaginasi sedikit ya.
Jika anda berdiri di depan dinding.Anda tahukah apa yang sedang berlaku di sebelah dinding itu ? Jika ada basikal atau kawan anda di sebelah, agak-agak bolehkah anda tahu? Itu hanya sebelah dinding sahaja.Tetapi pelbagai misteri yang boleh muncul dalam kepala kan?
Kita manusia dikurniakan 5 deria rasa,dan inilah menjadi sarana atau alat-alat dari Allah pada kita untuk mengenal duniaNya.Tetapi manusia sentiasa alpa,sehingga membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan 5 deria itu sahaja. (Dalil Aqliy, apa yang dapat ditafsirkan olah akal sahaja)
Akal adalah suatu jenis persepsi deria, dan persepsi seseorang mungkin tak sama .Mungkin dalam persepsi anda ,cinta itu lebih penting daripada apa-apa, sehinggakan kalau bercinta dengan penjenayah masih boleh diterima.Sedangkan ibubapa anda tidak sehaluan, mengikut persepsi akal mereka.Fahamkah? Ini semuanya daripada konklusi diri sendiri,dari ilmu yang cetek, dari akal yang tidak sempurna dan boleh rosak.
Saudara Saudari yang dirahmati,
Sesungguhnya,kebijaksanaan Allah jauh lebih tinggi,dan komposisi ciptaanNya,jauh lebih banyak dari apa yang anda boleh lihat dan faham .Anda tahukah bilangan setiap satu bintang yang terdapat di langit? Anda tahukah bagaimana malaikat bergerak? Anda boleh memahami Zat-zat Allah? Percayalah, akal tidak mampu untuk menafsirkan.Oleh sebab itulah, dalil Naqliy itu penting.Sebab Allah adalah Al-Alim ,Maha Mengetahui .Anda perlu beriman dengan Dalil Naqliy, kerana datang daripada Allah. Akal dikurniakan untuk membantu kita menggapai (sedikit) kejadian Tuhan, supaya kita boleh lebih beriman dan abdi padaNya.
Saya permudahkan lagi.Pernah baca novel Sherlocks Holmes? Dalil Naqliy boleh diibaratkan 'lead evidence' atau petunjuk oleh Allah. Dalil Aqliy pula sebagai ''magnifying glass'' yang sering dipakai Sherlocks untuk menyiasat.
Ada pepatah tentang akal dan iman:
''Akal tanpa iman seperti pedang di tangan seorang penyamun, sedang iman tanpa akal seperti pedang tumpul, pedang yang tak lagi bisa berfungsi ''
Okay,apabila kita teliti situasi isu Hudud,kita nampak akal pula mempersoalkan Penciptanya.Sedangkan Penciptanya lebih mengetahui apakah kebaikan yang wujud dalam Hudud.
Kepercayaan,Iktikod,Iman atau apa-apa sahajalah yang anda mahu pilih.Saya rasa itulah pokok masalah ini.Mungkin bagi mereka yang percaya Hudud,iman yang rapuh meragu-ragukan implementasi Hudud.Ada juga yang tidak percaya Hudud,mungkin akal pemikiran tak dapat menerima Hudud.Ada juga yang percaya Hudud,tetapi dapat menerima Hudud,tetapi lebih pentingkan pangkat.Sedihnya yang mempunyai kuasa undang-undang sekarang kebanyakan terdiri daripada 3 jenis golongan ini.
Ada pula yang kata Hudud tidak patut sebab kita berada dalam negara banyak kaum. Tetapi pada zaman Rasulullah, orang Yahudi dan penyembah berhala masih berkeliaran ketika Madinah di bawah pimpinan Baginda. Baginda tiada masalah pun melaksanakan Hudud.Tidak berkirakah? Lagipun Hudud ekslusif hanya untuk Mu'min dan Mu'minah. Maksudnya orang Islam yang bersalah sahaja yang diimplementasi hukuman Hudud (Tapi tengok juga perlembagaan negara itu, kemungkinan raja mereka mewajibkan atas semua rakyat).Agama lain tidak terlibat.
Saya rasa tidak berdaya untuk buat apa-apa.Tapi kalau ada rezeki, saya ingin pesan ini pada mereka yang menolak Hudud.Buat apa nak keras kepala dengan apa yang Allah telah perintahkan pada kita? Kenapa masih beragu-ragu denganNya.Tidakkah mereka memerhati kejadian tidur pada waktu malam.Kenapa tidur itu perlu? Kadang-kadang orang tak boleh tidur malam tapi tidur masa bawa kereta pula (alamatnya, kemalangan jalan raya lah) Mengapakah tidur itu Sunnatullah?Hanya Allah sahaja yang mengetahui jawapan tepatnya.Anda perlu yakin sahaja.Yakin ia untuk kebaikan anda.
Anda semua pernah dengar pepatah ini, ''Mom knows best'' . Kali ini, marilah kita ungkap frasa ini pula ''ALLAH KNOWS BEST'' .Yakin semua yang Allah telah ciptakan, Hudud juga,semua hanyalah untuk anda.
Moga-moga nukilan saya pada kali ini dapat membantu memberi pandangan atau persepsi yang lebih luas kepada saudara-saudari dan boleh buat renungan untuk diri dan kawan-kawan. Apa-apa yang baik itu datang dari Allah SWT, dan jika ada tersilap fakta atau penjelesan, saya hanya manusia,dan harapkan keampunan dariNya akan segala kekurangan yang ada pada diri ini. Wa billahi Taufiq wal Hidayah.
yours truly,
Monday, 26 December 2011
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Walking In Someone's Shoes
Enjoying life right now? Feeling easy today? Maybe planning a trip to go somewhere on the holidays? Or even hanging out with pals at Tutti Frutti after school? Typical routine for us easy-going care free Malaysian peeps.
So my readers, every now and then, I get these kinda of dreams.It's an eye-opener. Now I understand those people.I believe they don't want to be involved in any carnage at all like any other person. But imagine,what if you woke up to be one of those people there? All your luxuries are not there for you anymore, just all the opposite.Bomb invasions for breakfast.Sewage for water.How do you feel? feel like commenting? Go ahead.
What else? Getting up from bed in the morning,heading to the bathroom for some self-hygiene, and then later on,maybe some Kellogg's Cornflakes cereals (not boycotted!) to jump start the day! Ah,what a great beginning for the day, isn't it? Not to mention, now that the holidays are in, our scope of responsibilities are a bit narrower now. It's all about the 'sit back and relax' motto.
You invite a friend over and go silly with him or her doing ridiculous things all day.Phew! After a long day hangin and chillin, you feel pooped out.Whadda ya know,it's gone dark already out there. Must've had a jam-packed day , didn't you? Okay,guess it's time to pull up the sheets.But first, take abolutions and pray-Now, we can finally get our 40 winks.A wonderful day concluded.
Suddenly you wake up-abruptly- to a traumatic cry.But now,you hear cries everywhere.But it's only 12 am. What's all this noisy rackets! Come on, your trying to get some good night sleep.That's all.But suddenly it dawned to you.You're somewhere you're not supposed to be.But what can you do? You blast into a sprint all over the house to check-up on the family.Everyone's panicking.Why is everyone going crazy? A barrage of bullets goes through your house, just a little more and you'd be six feet under .''What the hell!'' You can't contain yourself.
Mom and Dad signal you to get on the ground and you do. Besides you is your baby brother and and big sis.All petrified,almost going insane because of fear.Fortunately, Dad built a bomb shelter under the house for this ,so everybody goes inside.Though space is limited, AND talk about tight! Well,it's either this or your life. It'll just have to do,and you stay in there pretty much cramped like that,for hours and on before it's safe to get out.
But it's never actually safe.
Coming out of the shelter,you take a glimpse at the house,it looked beautiful yesterday.Today,it's all ravaged.Probably by the works of a grenade or something like that. But hey,it's not a big deal.Houses can always be rebuilt. And in Palestine,houses are made out of mud.Mud is everywhere!(oh, forgot to tell you,the Zionist deprive Palestinians of their supplies).
You wish you could go get some tools to fix up the house, but it's impossible,on account that there's a big wall, and I mean a very big wall blocking you from getting supplies.You're better off dreaming about it.Literally.
Okay, so you can't help fix the house,guess now it's time get some grub.Hmm, but the food's scarce,and your starving.Crap,there's no Cornflakes box in sight, not Tutti Frutti kiosk anywhere.(Also, on the other side of the wall, Jewish side)
What there is, is only some dates from a date tree mom and dad planted out back.Thank God,it didn't get destroyed yesterday.You think of reserving it.You never thought you'd be nibbling on dates.But come on, all the worst case scenarios happened.
The dates didn't do so much to satisfy your hunger,well duh,bet no one gets full eating a quarter of date, right? Looking around, you think your pretty lucky, getting good food like this,filled with nutrients, while other kids like you have to rummage through trash to find a meal.They don't really care anymore.They've been famished for many years.
Everything here doesn't suit you,it's all miserable. But what can you do? You can't just teleport somewhere else.This isn't Star Trek.You can't even get out of this forsaken place.Patience,it's not your fault either.Is just that,you were born into the conflict.You don't know why the Jews hate you so much, and why there are mutilated bodies everywhere you go in town. You don't know why they take your mothers, your sisters, your aunts and cousins and rape them, degrade them, and then brutally murder them.Or torture your dads,brothers and friends and then executing all of them.You were just born, and now you gotta survive.
Life is not exciting here, you can say people are at the brink of suicide, but they won't kill themselves,faith is strong in their hearts.They rather fight the Zionist scums to the very end to reclaim back Palestine.
Surprisingly,they'll go to the mosques and pray 5 times a day,even if it means they won't come back alive.Makes you think how Malaysian Muslims are determined to pray at a mosque in times like this .They make it natural reading the Quran everyday,and zikir all the time. Oh my,even charity! Everyone here tries to make the best of what they got.And are very much thankful for it. Hmm,so your life isn't all bad here.At least you got something no other thing can give,even in a place as hostile as this, as challenging as this! Faith.
You look onto the horizon and say to yourself ''You'll make it through the day'' InsyaALLAH.
Suddenly you wake up, and you're on you're plump bed now? What the????????? Was all that just a dream? You pinch yourself and find out it's all real.The house is intact? no one crying? You slowly walk out of bed and check on everybody, mom and dad still sound asleep, maybe 5 more minutes and they'll get up. Little bro, snoring like a beast. And big sis- Well, she locked the room.
As you sit on your bed, it got you wondering ''What a life it would've been over there!''
The End.

Now my advice is, how would YOU feel,being in their shoes, after all YOU'VE been through,got information that those J-DAM missles,those 50-Calliber Carbine bullets,and those soldiers were funded by your Muslim brethrens in Malaysia? Just because they wanna eat out at McD, Starbucks, buy Levi jeans or Banana Republic, YOU lose a loved one. I got to say,that's pretty heart-wrenching.
So, take part in the boycott process, google American Israel funding companies in Malaysia and halt their economy.Do it if you're a caring person. thanks for reading :)
yours truly,
Friday, 9 December 2011
Assalamualaikum, and slm 1Malaysia! Hey, it's been awhile I've posted anything here.Long time no see.I kinda almost sorta gave up on blogging,I don't know, I guess blogging is just too complicated for a bloke like me. But I cant stop right now. This is a milestone for me.And hey,everybody has their up and downs,don't they? We just gotta learn how to deal with it. Anyway I actually wanna earn some cash by writing, adding all that google ads contraption . Writing and Ringgits! As they say, kill 2 birds with one stone !
The holidays are a real bummer aint it? No school=No friends.
Probably by far the most boringsome holiday in my case .I have nobody (lol,Akon) to hang around with.
All my friends are in Uni, getting a taste of campus life. And here I am, still going to school, for the eleventh year.It is preety depressing, but what can you do right? I say to myself to be a man! Accept my fate and get over it, move on.Alhamdulillah,it's been working.
Also,I've been thinking quite a while now, trynna decide wether after graduating ,insyaALLAH, to enlist
in the army or not. Truth is,it's been my life long dream to become a soldier, a medical soldier or an army surgeon,um probably inspired by watching many war movies as a kid. But, yeah,I've been longing for combat,and matyrdom, to smear myself with the blood of a syahid. I would like to enter the Palestinian Intifada, and help those poor people fight against a really oppresive force of evil. But I have gotta be practical too.You can't just go in like that, and without any skill to offer. That'd be a useless cause and add up the death toll.When I can contribute something, insyaALLAH, I will make that depature.
I also would like to raise a family actually,you know, have a loving wife and bare (good) children.As the Messenger says marriage is half the deen ,and pious children are your way to gain deed. So what the hey, it would be a waste not to do so right? And c'mon, who doesnt wanna be a parent?! I'd be real thrilled to be a dad. I'll teach my child everything I know, all the trick of the trade! Tehee. I just wonder whose gonna be my wife. Goosebumps,man ._. Kinda weird huh, all this idea at 18. Freaky . ;p
So it leads me conclude (as I slouch lazingly on my chair, what a way to feel decisive)I couldnt be a mujahideen yet. And in Malaysia,they'd label me a terrorist, and hunt me down brutally.So the closest thing that fills all my criteria is being a soldier in ATM, TUDM or TLDM. Wadya think?..
Am I outta my mind? Or are we
A wise person onced said : Don't think like others, think above them...
Guess who? It was me ;D
So i better stop jotting down for now. Im parched and my tummy is making noises, Gotta get some grub!
Till next time.Salam.
The holidays are a real bummer aint it? No school=No friends.
Probably by far the most boringsome holiday in my case .I have nobody (lol,Akon) to hang around with.
All my friends are in Uni, getting a taste of campus life. And here I am, still going to school, for the eleventh year.It is preety depressing, but what can you do right? I say to myself to be a man! Accept my fate and get over it, move on.Alhamdulillah,it's been working.
Also,I've been thinking quite a while now, trynna decide wether after graduating ,insyaALLAH, to enlist
in the army or not. Truth is,it's been my life long dream to become a soldier, a medical soldier or an army surgeon,um probably inspired by watching many war movies as a kid. But, yeah,I've been longing for combat,and matyrdom, to smear myself with the blood of a syahid. I would like to enter the Palestinian Intifada, and help those poor people fight against a really oppresive force of evil. But I have gotta be practical too.You can't just go in like that, and without any skill to offer. That'd be a useless cause and add up the death toll.When I can contribute something, insyaALLAH, I will make that depature.
I also would like to raise a family actually,you know, have a loving wife and bare (good) children.As the Messenger says marriage is half the deen ,and pious children are your way to gain deed. So what the hey, it would be a waste not to do so right? And c'mon, who doesnt wanna be a parent?! I'd be real thrilled to be a dad. I'll teach my child everything I know, all the trick of the trade! Tehee. I just wonder whose gonna be my wife. Goosebumps,man ._. Kinda weird huh, all this idea at 18. Freaky . ;p
So it leads me conclude (as I slouch lazingly on my chair, what a way to feel decisive)I couldnt be a mujahideen yet. And in Malaysia,they'd label me a terrorist, and hunt me down brutally.So the closest thing that fills all my criteria is being a soldier in ATM, TUDM or TLDM. Wadya think?..
Am I outta my mind? Or are we
A wise person onced said : Don't think like others, think above them...
Guess who? It was me ;D
So i better stop jotting down for now. Im parched and my tummy is making noises, Gotta get some grub!
Till next time.Salam.
Monday, 24 October 2011
It's my first BLOGGIE :P OMG! haha
I guess this is my sole entry as a rookie blogger. I'm really not into blogging but hey,the kids are doing it these days. So ,why not just join em' .Huh,actually I haven't a clue what to write. Should I make my blog an expressive blog, where I share my feelings, vent out my anger,and tell my crushes. ha ha. I don't know. It did cross my mind =p Or ... I could make my blog a factual one, where I would take on big issues and debate it's significance.
Maybe I'll do every one of em. A mixed blog right! ;) For business purposes.For feeling times and for important agendas. All roled into one. The whole anchalada !
Relax okay, I'm trying to figure out the whole system right now. So it might be awhile before my blogs up and about, catching the attention of million and trillion of viewers! :p (a man can dream can't he!)
For now, I don't have pictures to show, or any experience to bolster, Na'ah.. Nada Nada! So in the mean time , I'll try to put on some songs ,that have somewhat,inspired me. Boy, do I have a lot. Oh yeah, one more thing, I'll be doing 3 languages in this blog. Mainly, Bahasa, English and Arab. I'll try okay.To satisfy all taste of my readers. Hope you guys support and follow on with my blog when it's up and running .If it's possible,to any veteran bloggers! please teach me your ways! Please!!!! I said please. What else do you want?!! =D
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